Find out more about the Beginning of year dialogue!
The current version of the software already includes all the changes which became active starting with the 1st of April 2016!
Updating the Wiki-Links with the relevant documentation is work in progress; the links will become available on this page in a few days!
The deadline for all the clubs for changing the specifications was set together with the Golf association to the 1st of April 2016.
All clubs must have the PC CADDIE Version 2016 before this date. The changes were programmed in such a way that they will be activated on the 1st of April 2016, independent on whether the club has downloaded the updates in February or in March!
Information from the ASG: EGA Handicap System
The age groups AG50 (previously AG55) and AG30 (previously AG35) are now available for the online registration settings.
Another new feature is the possibility to enter Flexible age-depending deadline for the tournament registration!
Players and courses will be automatically checked at the latest when printing of scorecards.
The Results input window has been extended. You directly see the slope and tee CR value for the player, and you can enter penalty strokes for the round.
When the tournament directors assign penalty strokes for the round (which are not to be added to the result of a single hole), you'll be able to specify this in the extra field Penalty strokes for the round
Competitions that were created before the conversion of the EGA HCP system, or competitions copied from older ones, should be checked on the Internet in terms of prize classification indicators. When the prize looks like the one illustrated in the following screenshot (HCP up to 41 instead of HCP up to – ), it is necessary that you edit the Prize categories in PC CADDIE for each affected tournament, and then upload everything on the Internet again (the handicap limit 41 comes from the original tournament, when the handicap system was up to HCP 36, and therefore cannot be automatically changed):
There are several possibilities to configure the Prize categories, which can also be done automatically using the Wizard. In addition to „Nearest to the Pin“; „Longest Drive Women“ „Longest Drive Men“ you can also define, for example, „Hit the Green“ or „Nearest to the Line“. Check out our online documentation: Defining prizes using the Wizard
Meticulous settings are needed for CR-balancing in gross. Study the CR-balancing options.
Starting with 2016, the differences between the handicap systems of various countries are o extensive that the foreign golfers' handicap cannot longer be displayed on the Results list.
In particular, there are contries that still use a CBA, while other countries have completed abolished this adjustment. As such, the CBA values are no longer transmitted via the international interface (Intranet between countries).
In some countries the handicap classes 4 and 5 are no longer increased, while in other only the handicap class 5 is no longer increased.
Because of these differences, the results of the golfers with a foreign home-club are seldom transmitted via the Intranet (if it is even possible between the two countries); the handicap, however, depends on the home-club.
The 9 holes handicap qualifying competitions are now allowed for the handicap class 2 (4,5 to 11,4), and they are considered as such in PC CADDIE as well. The handicap class 1 can only be achieved in an 18 holes competition.
Match plays and their results can now be managed directly with PC CADDIE, and thir results can be transmitted in Intranet.
Read our Example of a single-match play and try it out!
If one club transfers the tournament to a second club after the first round, and the second club imports the tournament and hosts the second round, this second club becomes the Tournament master in terms of the INTRANET.
If the fist club wants to re-transmit the data over the intranet after the importing was completed, they will receive a „warning“ that the 2nd club is the „master“ and they should at least be informed.
The Handicap Status „active/inactive“ has been eliminated. PC CADDIE does no longer display this as of 1 April 2016th
The adjustment of the buffer zones (CBA - Computed Buffer Adjustment) at the end of a tournament will be calculated only for the handicap classes 1 to 3. The minimum number of persons in a tournament from which the CBA is applied is 10 people for the CBA relevant categories (1 to 3).
The algorithm for the CBA-calculation has been refined and the reduction -3 and -4 deleted.
The loading of the master data sheet from the Intranet for new members has been extended. The list of entries is redisplayed before loading them into the final master sheet..
The Master sheet's format has also been updated starting with the 1st of April 2016. For example, the columns „ND“ and „SGD“ are new. These values are used for AHR's calculation (Annual Handicap Review).
The EGA handicap system has been extended. The EGA handicap class 6 (handicap 37-54) is new.
A player must present at least one Stableford result (EDS or sweepstakes) for 9 or 18 holes in order to obtain an EGA handicap.
EGA Handicap System for Switzerland
The annual handicap review (AHR) is maintained with revised evaluations and regulations.
Most Swiss clubs have already made the extension to EGA handicap class 6 at the turn of the year 2015/2016, so that they were able to order the members' cards.
The following information is relevant for clubs that haven't already made the switch:
The EGA (European Golf Association) extended the Handicap system with the new handicap category 6 (EGA handicap 37 to 54).
The PC CADDIE update including this change is available for download from 1.12.2015. The new PC CADDIE Version 2015b allows migrating all your certified players to the EGA handicap system:
First of all, print out the List of members for control purposes, in alphabetical order and with the current handicap.
You can also print out a second list, only with the certified players.
(Note: A copy of the master sheet will be automatically saved during the conversion. As a precaution, you can also make a Fast backup).
Download the PC CADDIE Update
Important before loading the update:
Annual handicap review
The AHR must be completed before ordering the ASG cards.
Start the extension to the handicap class 6 only on one computer, via the PC CADDIE menu PC CADDIE
Handicaps/Conversion to EGA Handicap up to 54.
A safety query appears before the conversion starts.
Important before starting:
The handicap system will be automatically extended to the EGA Handicap class 6 after you confirm the safety question.
And this is it, you finished! But just to be on the safe side, you should continue with the:
After the conversion is completed, print the list of all Handicap entries since 01.12.2015 . Fill in the date (from 01.12.2015 to the current date) and check the box „Changes“. Check everithing.
Is everything done?
Then you can restart PC CADDIE on every other station, and the update will be automatically performed.
Members with modified handicap are automatically uploaded to the ASG-Intranet during the next Intranet calibration.
You can Order ASG cards for 2016 after completing the steps 1 to 3.
JUNIOR is automatically written on the card for players identified as juniors based on the ASG rules. In the PC CADDIE Version 2015b, this means every teenager younger than 18.
You can see the conversion to the new handicap after the update is completed.
Here is an example:
The best round score since 01.01.2014 was 34 Stableford points.
The result - as calculated by the previous handicap system - is: 36 for a certified player, the same as the HCP.
2 points are missing from the 34 Stableford points for playing the 36 handicap.
Thus, the player's new EGA handicap is 38 (36 plus 2).
This information concerns only the Swiss clubs that have performed an update between the 1st of December 2015 and 10am on the 3rd of December 2015. We have already informed these clubs on the 3rd of December by phone or, when this was not possible, by email, about the need of performing one more update.
The concerned clubs were additionally informed (by phone or email) about the following check-list that needs to be printed!
We have twice determined, in exceptional cases, that some of the members' handicap was automatically rounded in the master sheet during the changeover to the new handicap system (for example, from 24,4 5o 24,0).
Therefore, please print again the following checklist:
Select Handicaps/Print… Handicap Record
Enter the following settings: Date 01.12.15 to 03.12.15 and Text: Changes, as in the following screenshot.
The list will be empty if everything is ok. Please contact us at if there are any members on the list, and we will correct the errors!
For the clubs that have already updated to using the handicap class 6 on 25.11.15 - please use the date 25.11.15 when printing the list!