

Support and help

Info Button

In the upper PC CADDIE programme window bar, on the far right, is the green Info button.

IMPORTANT The Info button is a priority function. You can use it even if PC CADDIE is blocked by an open window or an error message. Only if PC CADDIE itself no longer reacts, the button cannot be used.

Clicking on the Info button takes you directly to all PC CADDIE help, documentation and remote support functions.

Online documentation

(1.) Here you can open online documentation . You will be taken directly to the PC CADDIE Wiki, our online manual.

Submit a support request / BOOK your SUPPORT

(2.) Here you can create a support ticket and send us an e-mail with a current screenshot of your acute PC CADDIE problem. Only the text has to be changed individually and the contact details should be checked, if necessary adapted or supplemented. In this way, PC CADDIE Support receives the most important information for better problem identification and solution in the quickest way possible.
You can also book a support appointment online.

Please enter the title, category and problem description concisely and in detail. 2.

2. check contact person, adjust if necessary or add correct e-mail contact and telephone number

3. reserve a time online: BOOK your SUPPORT

Here you can book your personal support appointment via our PC CADDIE online reservation. Until 12:00 for the next working day or from 12:00 for the working day after next. This option is available for all working days from Monday to Friday. On weekends and public holidays, it is not possible to book a desired appointment.

4. edit the attachment and description, you are welcome to add additional attachments.

5. send the support ticket by e-mail for further assistance by PC CADDIE.

The next points show the selection of remote support options by our PC CADDIE support staff. After a telephone consultation with a technician or customer advisor, you can select the appropriate remote maintenance programme here.

Any Desk Quick Support

(3.) One way to get someone on the computer is to type „ad into the macro window. Data is loaded from the PC CADDIE server. The following window opens. Please pass the relevant data to the support staff.

If you do not have a PC CADDIE available at any time, you can here unter this internet link.

Teamviewer Quick Support

(4.) Another way to get someone on the computer is to type „tv“ into the macro window. Data will be loaded from the PC CADDIE server. The following window opens. Please pass the relevant data to the support staff.

If you do not have a PC CADDIE available at any time, you can here unter this internet link. There is a button Participate in session, which, when clicked Execute loads the same window.

VNC Viewer

(5.) This most common method is certainly familiar to all of you. If you want to add a PC CADDIE staff member, you can simply enter his or her abbreviation in the upper macro field and then confirm with OK to confirm. You can use upper or lower case letters for the abbreviation. Of course, the partner must also be ready for the connection.

:!: If the return key does not work here, either click on the OK-button or press the F12.

:!: The prerequisite for quick help via VNC is that port 5500 (TCP, outgoing) has been released by the technician. The technician can set this in your firewall. We are happy to help with this.

As soon as the PC CADDIE employee is on your computer, you will see a green eye in the task bar:

Once the PC CADDIE employee has left your computer, the eye is coloured blue again.

List of windows

(6.) Here you can see all open PC CADDIE working windows.
It can happen that a window is open but not visible on the screen. This can happen, for example, if several screens are connected and one does not start or the PC is only used with the main screen. In this case, you can use this dialogue to either reposition the windows or close all windows. If the windows are repositioned, they are all displayed on the main screen in such a way that the window in which the focus is appears first and can thus be edited.

Service Manager

(7.) In the service manager, all our brownies are listed. The services are responsible in the background for ensuring that the data transfer is always triggered. They ensure, for example, that the transmission of data from and to the PC CADDIE online server, to the association, to Fiskaly or to the mail server is maintained.

Normally, the services are restarted automatically after a night run or after an update. If this is not the case, a service can be restarted manually at any time. To do this, simply click on the line of the service and use the button at the bottom to trigger the restart (F4).


(8.) Following instructions from PC CADDIE Support, a window opens here for entering short macro commands. As under Settings/Macros there are various possibilities to quickly and easily call up various PC CADDIE functions - which are usually only instructed by the PC CADDIE staff.

Tip: You can open the macro window particularly quickly with the key combination Ctrl+Shift+F12 to open it. This always works as soon as PC CADDIE is started.

The dialogue is divided into two halves - please always enter the respective macro in the upper half.

You mainly use this window to „add“ a PC CADDIE staff member. This means: You usually start a remote maintenance programme to get a PC CADDIE employee onto your computer so that he or she can provide quick assistance.


(9.) With this you leave the support and help options and can continue working in the programme as usual.

Ticket feed-back notification

Each support request is managed in our „CRM ticket system“ and confirmed to the respective contact person in the form of a „ticket opening“ with a unique ticket ID. Please always use the ticket ID for consultations so that we can clearly assign it to the respective request. In order to keep an eye on the processing, solution and effort involved, we document every activity related to the enquiry: whether it is a telephone call, processing or the involvement of other specialist departments. After the request has been resolved, we „close“ the ticket and send you a „ticket closure email“, which briefly summarises the solution and documents the time required. Since each of our customers has a maximum free time budget with the maintenance agreement, we can transparently document the charged times for each request, see the following graphic:

1) Total solution time: shows the total time we took to solve the query
2) Charged maintenance time: is the time we charge against the available maintenance time
3) Used maintenance time current yearIs the summed time of all requests that we have charged against the available maintenance time.
4) Remaining maintenance time current yearThe remaining free time available for requests in the current calendar year.
5) 5-star feedback: here you give us your open satisfaction about the solution process and the result in the form of 1-5 stars

For 95% of our customers, the agreed maintenance time is sufficient for all requests that arise. In the case of changeover processes or personnel changes, about 5% of our customers require more time for consultation and training, but also for clean-up or structural improvements. In most cases, it is advisable and favourable to actively design these processes instead of solving the tasks in day-to-day business through short-term queries in support. We are happy to advise and support you here.

Maintenance packages

With the year 2022 PC CADDIE offers three different maintenance packages. You can find more information here: Wartungspakete

Price list 2024

Here you will find the module price list, which will be valid from 1 January 2024. >>>Price list2024

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