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Sign up players for multiple competitions

You have the possibility to register a player for multiple tournaments via Competitions/Multiple Tournaments, Golf Weeks/Register Player for multiple Tournaments. You can also do this directly from the person mask by clicking on the Competition button. For both versions it is necessary that the number of players and the entry limits are previously set for the competition (via the Internet button from the competition mask).

Enter the player in the Selected player (F9) field. Then determine the data area to be considered. Use the button Selected comp. (F4) to activate those tournaments where the player should participate:

Confirm your inputs with Ready. If the player also has a preferred starting time, you should mark the desired tournament, click on Priority+Time (F7) and enter, for example, E for early:

Enter all the required data and close the dialog with OK.

en/wettspiele/turniereundgolfwochen/spielerfuermehrereturniere/spielerfuermehrereturniere.1469095363.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2017/04/30 08:52 (Externe Bearbeitung)
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