

Tournaments against par

During Match play, the players are not playing against each other, but „against the course,“ so to say.
Therefore, you don't see the gross and net points as usual on the scores, but you see for each hole if the player has lost the hole (-), won the hole (+), or if they have parred the hole (0).
The won and lost holes are calculated against each other. In the following example, the sum looks like this:

  • Gross: parred 7, won 2, lost 9: 2x won minus 9x lost = -7
  • Net: parred 6, won 9, lost 3: 9x won minus 3x lost = 6

On the handicap results list, it looks as follows:

The Stableford points that are calculated for the data sheet are not determined „by hole“ in the „Against par“ scoring system, but for this example, 36 points plus 6 (6 up) will be calculated, this equals 42 Stableford points for this result. If a player got -2 net points less than the result, their Stableford points would be 36-2 (2 down) = 34 Stableford points

Please read your golf association's rules and guidelines as well. The explanation of the Stableford calculation method by effective handicap for tournaments against par can be found in the DGV rules and guidelines.

Foursome against par

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en/wettspiele/turnierpraxis/turnieregegenpar/turnieregegenpar.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/04/07 15:57 von emilia
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