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Closing a competition

After each qualifying competition you will have to launch the Closing process in order to start the CBA (computed buffer adjustment) procedure - see book of handicap and play regulations (DGV). Only after this is done you can print the completed results as a list. With closing a competition all results are transferred to the player's handicap record sheets. PC CADDIE will automatically calculate the new handicap.

Go to Competitions/Close tournament and select the relevant competition to open this function. In the main competition mask you can use the button Transfer scores to get to the same screen:

If the playing form is set to „Single“ in the main competition mask, you will see four options for closing the competition. With any other form of play it is not possible to close a competition and transfer scores.

  • „Not handicap qualifying“
  • „Handicap qualifying“
  • „Not handicap qualifying, club handicaps: EDS“
  • „EDS-Rounds“ - e.g., for tournaments of the VCG (Vereinigung Clubfreier Golfer)

It is important that every single VCG-player that plays an EDS round is processed with this competition function, as only then the scores are transferred to the VCG when closing the competition.

As already mentioned it is also possible to close a non-qualifying single-competition. The scores will be transferred to the handicap records but will not adjust the handicap.

For a handicap qualifying competition you select „Handicap qualifying“.

With the option „Not handicap qualifying, club handicaps: EDS“ the scores of your members with a club handicap will be counted as a handicap qualifying EDS score, whereas the results of all other players are transferred to their handicap records as non-qualifying.

With the option „EDS rounds“ you have the possibility to close a tournament according to the EDS regulations (see book of handicap and play regulations of the DGV).

It is not allowed to register EDS rounds in a competition. But this function is useful if you let several VCG players play an EDS round.

Confirm with OK and the closing process will be launched.

If the option Transfer results to intranet is not activated, you will be asked to decide the following:

Confirm this last query with Yes:

Straight after that you will be shown the calculated CBA result, which will be explained in the following chapter.

CBA procedure (since April 2012)

The CBA calculation is in use since the 2nd of April 2012.

The buffer adjustment is a factor that shifts a player's buffer zone in the handicap category after each qualifying round before determining the final result which is being counted (see EGA handicap system).

The CBA values range from +1 to -1,-2, -3, -4 & ro (reduction only).

The CBA calculation (Computed Buffer Adjustment) will be launched automatically when closing a competition.

When starting the closing process of a competition, you will see this window:

Click „Start“ and you will get the CBA result. In our example we have a CBA of 0, so there will be no adjusted buffer zones.

Click „Print CBA result“ to get this screen print:

CSA procedure (until 01.04.2012)

:!: Die CSA Berechnung wird ab dem 2. April 2012 von der CBA-Berechung abgelöst (Das ist ein Montag)!

:?: Was bedeutet „CSA“ eigentlich?

;-) Das Competition Stableford Adjustment ist eine Anpassung, um die ein Stableford-Nettoergebnis aus einem vorgabenwirksamen Wettspiel verändert wird, bevor dieses in das Vorgabenstammblatt des Spielers übertragen wird (siehe dazu auch Buch „Vorgaben- und Spielbestimmungen“). Diese Anpassung erfolgt in PC CADDIE automatisch.

Die Voraussetzung für eine CSA Berechnung sind korrekte Handicaps aller Spieler. Diese müssen alle per Intranet geprüft werden. Falls diese Überprüfung nicht erfolgreich ist (weil zum Beispiel ein Spieler einen anderen Heimatclub hat), erhalten Sie bei der CSA Berechnung diese fehlerhafte Meldung im unteren Feld angezeigt.

Falls Sie einen Ausdruck der CSA Berechnung wünschen, verwenden Sie den Button CSA-Bewertung ausdrucken.

Wenn Sie weiter unbearbeitet bleiben folgt dieses Fenster:

Sie haben nun die Möglichkeit, diese Spieler manuell abzuändern (wie in unserem Beispiel die Angabe des Heimatclubs) und nochmals per Intranet prüfen zu lassen. Erst wenn die Überprüfung der Handicaps aller Spieler erfolgreich war, kann die CSA Berechnung erfolgen.

Nach erfolgreichem Turnierabschluss müssen die Daten an die anderen Clubs, also an das DGV-Intranet, verschickt werden. Bei der folgenden Meldung bestätigen Sie mit Ja.

Cancellation of competition (since 2012)

When it is necessary to cancel a qualifying competition, proceed as follows:

  • Enter the scores of completed scorecards as usual
  • Enter the scores of partially completed scorecards. Leave the missing holes empty. It is important that you proceed this way, as these scores will be considered for determining active handicaps.
  • Players that have not started playing any hole at all, should be left disregarded concerning the scores.
  • For a result list set the mode to BLIND HOLE and only the played holes will be calculated. But for closing the tournament you will have to set the Blind hole mode back to no.

As soon as you have completed entering the scores as far as possible, start the closing process. Then mark off „Cancellation of competition“ and start again.

  1. Mark off the cancellation option
  2. Enter the reason (mandatory!)
  3. Confirm with OK

The closing process is running.

  • Players that have not yet started the round will get no record entry
  • CBA will not be calculated (=0)
  • Only scores in the buffer zone or better count as handicap qualifying
  • No exact handicap will be increased as a result of a competition being cancelled. But (no matter if the round was finished or not), these players will have an entry marked with TA in their handicap record.
  • Results that are marked with TA (cancellation of competition) will be included to identify an active handicap.

In the screenshot below you can see an example of a record entry marked with „TA“ (on the top left you can see that this player has an active handicap).

Entry in handicap record sheet

In a participant's handicap record the following entry is made by PC CADDIE after closing the competition. Then the exact handicap will be recalculated:

This function can also transfer the scores to the handicap records even though a competition is non-qualifying (only with „Single“ as form of play). These entries will not adjust the exact handicap (they are in brackets and have a light colour):

Results of guest or secondary members will be sent to the home club via Intranet. The record entries for guests look a bit different (since 2011).

But the competition results of guests or secondary members have always been used for calculating the exact handicap by the home club only

Repeat closing a competition

HINT It is possible to repeat the score transfer process of a tournament within 4 weeks. The existing record entries will then be adjusted according to the results and maybe additional record entries are made. The unique competition ID will overwrite the wrong entries.

In the lower part of the mask you can see if the competition has already been closed before. So if any scores have to be changed you will have to start the closing function again so all adjustments are transferred to the handicap records. A small window will pop up, asking you to enter a reason for the repeated closing process. After that the new calculation will start.

You just click Start to launch this function and if necessary, repeat it as already described. The window with the CBA result will open up again and you simply confirm with OK.

Closing a competition with several rounds

According to the regulations of the DGV (German golf association) you have to launch the closing process after each round when conducting a competition with several rounds. Please make sure the correct round is selected for the closing procedure.

en/wettspiele/turnierabschluss/turnierabschluss.1389605758.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2017/04/30 07:05 (Externe Bearbeitung)
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