

List of price alterations

Via Articles/Print…/Price-Changes you can print an overview of all price alterations during a freely definable time period:

You will get a list with sold articles where the price was changed in the main article mask. Define the time period and the desired analysis. Here an example for a gross sales price alteration:

  1. Article number including colour/size combination
  2. Article name
  3. Stock
  4. Old sales price gross
  5. New sales price gross
  6. Difference per item
  7. Total difference
  8. Difference in percent

Note that only the price changes of articles in stock will be listed (articles not in stock are omitted).

en/umsaetze/proshopwarenwirschaft/drucken/verkaufspreisaenderung.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2019/09/29 14:09 von emilia
  • Keine Schlagworte vergeben
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