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Create a debiting-file

For direct debits (SEPA-Basic Direct-Debit) and transfers / credits (SEPA-Credit-Transfer).

Find the window Direct debit datas under Accounts/Payment-Interface:

The procedure should be as follows::

  1. Check the settings
  2. Export and print the dispatch note
  3. Print checklist

Settings - debiting-file

Click on Edit.

The following window opens:

:!: Carefully fill-in the following fields:

  1. The Purpose is visible on the customers' account statement.
  2. The File save path may be a storage medium (for example, an USB stick), but it can also be a folder on your computer. This is where the „SEPA.XML“ file is generated (optionally also „DTAUS“ until 01.31.2014), that you can either forward to the bank or read directly into your online banking program.
  3. There are multiple SEPA Formats to choose from, including the well-known DTAUS format. If your bank does not yet support SEPA 2.7 with PAIN.008.003.02 XML file you can also use the older SEPA 2.6 with PAIN.008.002.02. You can also choose the DTAUS format during the transitional period.

Continue with the „Amendments“ tab:

  1. You can check the Amendments that suit your needs. Checking the „Family members subtotals“ means, for example, that the account statement of a customer also includes how much will be charged for partners or children.
  2. Note the text in the highlighted field!!

Continue with the „Bank details“ tab:

You can edit the details of the account under Edit bank accounts.

Confirm with OK. You will return to the initial window where you can make the basic settings.

Make the general settings under (1).

:!: Be careful when choosing the persons group and the due date.

(2) is also important; here you should pay attention to the Merge families.

:!: The button Define… allows you o specify which direct debits are valid for which account areas. If the check mark is set on CLUB for the direct debit areas, and you choose C here, you will see all the amounts for all the persons having the check mark on „Club“.

The area set here automatically determines the correct automatic selection for the invoice printing (must be specified in the invoice layout), if the comments are printed on the invoice and if the invoice is to be withdrawn or remitted.

:!: Check the affected account areas. Make sure that these areas are also enabled in the banking field of the persons to be charged to, otherwise the filters cannot be applied. You can edit these are well after pressing the button Enter names F7.

These settings can be found under: Define direct debit

Filter for bookings

You can set a Filter for bookings (3) for the collections. This is particularly useful and important for your monthly collections. For example, if you create an invoice in January for all the articles of the month for the whole year, it is important that you set the due date for specific articles using the filter. Here you can also specify that only the invoiced items are to be considered. This is important if you have also made payments within the respective period (so these are not deducted).
Allerdings führt die Nutzung des Buchungsfilters immer wieder zu vielen Fragen, dabesonders wenn die Konten recht unterschiedlich gepflegt werden. Einfacher haben Sie es, wenn Sie jeden Monat Ihre Rechnungen erstellen, dann passen die Salden auch genau zur abgebuchten Summe.

;-) After you made all the settings you can proceed to the actual debiting.

Noch passender könnte sein: „verbucht, aber nicht ok“

Create the debiting file


:!: Select the persons after pressing the Export button (1) and do not forget to print the accompanying note. Check (2) the result based on the checking list.

You will now see a floppy symbol in the account of the concerned persons. You can repeat the process as often as necessary in case of errors.

Start the export

As soon as you click on Export and check Core or COR1, you will be asked to input the date for the direct debit. The date is stored in the file and then can also be used for resetting the direct debit (more on that later). Decide whether you want to circulate the initial and the subsequent direct debits separately, and place the check-mark accordingly.

PC CADDIE automatically detects whether it is an initial or subsequent direct debit (based on whether the „last use“ in the SEPA Details of the person is empty or not).

Both initial or subsequent direct debit may appear in a SEPA file; this is ensured by the SEPA standard.

In case there are problems with a bank you can leave the due date for one of the two types empty; PC CADDIE will then create a file with only the other kind of direct debits. Afterwards you can create another file, this time leaving the other date field blank. Then you have two files, each with only initial or only subsequent debits (for example, SEPA-FRST.XML and SEPA-RCUR.XML).

PCC complements the file name with one of the following identifiers, as an indication of the type of contracts included:

-CORR Initial and subsequent debits (possibly mixed)
-FRST Only initial debits
-RCUR Only subsequent debits
-COR1 COR1-debits (possibly mixed initial and subsequent COR1-debits)
-F1 COR1-only initial debits
-R1 COR1-only subsequent debits
-CRED Credits


HINT: Credits/transfers can also be created (SEPA-Credit Transfer).

:!: Please note that a credit cannot be issued together with a debit. Two steps are necessary for transfers and direct debits.

  1. Choose Credit balance to generate the credits.
  2. Select „WITH and WITHOUT direct debit“, so that the persons without a direct debit mandate can also receive credit; for this purpose, their bank data must also be stored.

:!: Please check beforehand whether you have transfer authorization in the banking program.

The other settings are made as for the debit generation. In addition, you have the possibility of using the Reset debits function.

en/umsaetze/dtausabbuchungsdatei/dtausabbuchungsdatei.1555331916.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2019/04/15 14:38 von emilia
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