

Annual update 2021, Germany

The WHS - World Handicap System will be introduced at the end of November 2020!

ID order with WHS

Important changes

  1. External members are no longer marked with „Z“ on the ID card, there are NO MARKINGS at that point!
  2. PR for handicap is now omitted from the ID card, there are NO MARKINGS at that point.
  3. Pro is no longer on the ID card, there are NO MARKINGS at that point. If you want this data to be on the ID, you can enter it BEFORE ordering, under „Function in the Club“!
  4. The HCPI values are given by the intranet check of the members on the DGV server for the data of the order, which means that PC CADDIE makes the HCPI check automatically when the ID card is issued. If members cannot be checked, you will receive a message after issuing the order. You can then review these members and repeat the order!

More information about the ID order ⇒here

Example - Order list

Course data changes

Validity date

With the introduction of the WHS (World Handicap System), a change in loading the course data from the intranet will also become active in Germany, starting with 2021.
The course data will have a validity date. Competitions are only possible with course records that have a validity date! \
Find out more =>here

Course data with CR values for 9 holes

Find out more ⇒here

Plus handicap

HCPI varies from -10 to 54!
Plus handicaps have the minus sign, even if the term „plus handicap“ is used!

Pro status

PROs can now have a HCPI handicap index, but there are also more PROs without HCPI (choice of PROs).

This can be set in PC CADDIE directly for the person:
„Amateur“ is set by default for all persons, the switching to Pro is done later!

If you convert a Pro with HCPI leadership, a P for Pro can be seen in addition to the HCPI (Handicap Index).
You still know that the player is a pro. A Pro receives an HCP index by entering a private round.

Homeclub and external members

The homeclub remains important: A golfer can only have one handicap record at the DGV in connection with a home club.
As before, the golfer must enter a home club by 01.01. of the year in order to play in a LIGA team.

External memberships are managed as before, only there will be nothing on their ID at HCP, not even a „Z“! (see also order of ID)

Guest player query

The home club must be entered correctly, otherwise the query yields no answer; i.e., a second club does not provide informatuion regarding the handicap!

Annual HCP check

This is carried out exclusively by the DGV (German Golf Association). The function is therefore no longer available in PC CADDIE.
The DGV centrally manages the handicaps of all golfers with a German home club.

Create tournament and HCPI relevance

In this context, an „active season“ will be introduced from May to September, during which all individual competitions will be rated as handicap-relevant. Exceptions will be clarified by the club with the DGV. See the „Handicap rules, valid in Germany from 2021“, licensed version of the DGV!

There is NO possibility (no permission) to only rate the Rabbits handicap-relevant in a „Tiger & Rabbit“ tournament!

Set the HCPI relevance when you create a competition.
The HCPI relevance is checked when the competition is transferred to the INTRANET. You will receive a message (LINK INTRANETSERVICE - recommended) with the next intranet synchronization.

DGV Competition ID, Round 1, ok with 1

Tournament closing and HCP relevance


The tournament will continue to be completed in PC CADDIE and the results will be transferred to the DGV intranet.

With the World Handicap System, the DGV takes over the management of the handicaps. There are no more „master sheets“ in PC CADDIE!

Handicap classes are completely eliminated!

CR corrections(PCC)

With the World Handicap System, the DGV calculates a course rating correction for determining the score differential, which can be from -1 to +3.
The CR correction determines whether the game conditions on the game day deviate from the usual conditions (rule 5.6. from the Handicap rules, valid in Germany from 2021, licensed by the DGV).

Completion of a 9 holes competition

17 net Stableford points are added (instead of 18) for the 2nd 9 holes..

Message regarding players with problems

At the end of the tournament you will now receive a message stating for which players the HCPI could not be queried in the intranet, or whether you did not enter a result.

Aborting a competition

The cancellation of the competition will be handled in the secretariat as before.
All existing results are entered, the remaining holes remain empty.
Find out more =>here
See also rule 3.2 from the Handicap rules, valid from 2021, licensed for the DGV.

The changes for 18 hole competitions:

No handicap-relevant result will be counted if results are available for fewer than 10 holes.
Results from mote than 10 holes played are considered handicap-relevant.

If results are available for 10 to 13 holes, results are automatically added for the missing holes, and sent to the intranet.
The holes not played are supplemented with the result: net par plus 1 stroke on the 1st hole not played
If at least 14 holes have been played, all holes not played will be supplemented with the result net par .

Example of entering a result when the holes 15-18 have no result:

The changes for 9 holes competitions:

If the competition is canceled, only results that are complete will be counted.
Less than 9 holes played are not considered handicap-relevant.

NO RETURN and disqualification

See rule 3.2 from the Handicap rules, valid from 2021, licensed for the DGV.

18 holes round

DQA Disqualification with a recognized reason: the holes played are scored and the holes not played are added according to the same rules as when the game was abandoned!
DQO Disqualification without a recognized reason: the result will not be counted for the HCPI.
NRA No return with a recognized reason: the holes played are scored and the holes not played are added according to the same rules as when the game was abandoned!
NRO No return for a recognized reason: the holes played are scored and the holes not played are supplemented with net double bogeys for an 18-hole round!

9 holes round

DQA Disqualification with a recognized reason: the result will not be counted
DQO Disqualification without a recognized reason: the result will not be counted
NRA No return for a recognized reason: the result will not be counted
NRO No Return without a recognized reason: das Ergebnis wird nicht gewertet. the result will not be counted. The game management may enter a penalty score, see rule 3.2 of the Handicap rules, valid from 2021, licensed for the DGV

Penalty Score

Penalty Score: a fictitious result is entered for the player who has not submitted a HCPI-relevant result (see rule 7.1b of the Handicap rules, valid from 2021, licensed for the DGV).

A penalty score is added by the DGV to the respective master sheet of a player. In order DGV to accept the application, a short email from the club (game leader) to suffices.

Competition formulas for playing handicap

Game formulas changes

The WHS results in changes in the following forms of play:

For the Chapman foursome the playing handicap is determined with the WHS in Germany as follows:
Addition of 60% of the lower and 40% of the higher handicap of the partners.

For the 2-way scramble the formula with the WHS (programmed into PC CADDIE) is:
35% of the low course handicap plus 15% of the higher course handicap

For the Scramble e.g. in a game with 4 golfers, the recommended formula is:
25% / 20% / 15% / 10% (from low to high course handicap)
This formula is new in the selection of formulas in PC CADDIE:

Formulas - additional option

Formulas and HCP factors work now also with % .

Game form Par/Bogey

Par/Bogey as single or four-player game, with counting Par/Bogey.
Up to now this style of play was called „Against Par“.

RPR - registered private rounds


The registered private rounds (RPR) replace the EDS (EGA system).

Gold children's golf badge

The children's golf badge GOLD corresponds to HCPI 54; the round should be sent to the intranet as an RPR (private round). The child must be registered with a home club for this.
You can still manage the children's golf badges bronze and silver locally, even for beginners for documentation purposes, without membership.

Golf license - examination

The round for a golf license test is also transmitted to the intranet with an RPR in order to obtain an initial HCP index. All „attempts“ can be transferred for documentation.

en/sonstigefunktion/jahresupdate/jahresupdate2021/jahresupdatedeutschland2021.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/10/27 17:58 von emilia
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