

Annual update 2019

We welcome you to the 2019 season with our new PC CADDIE annual update.
Topics such as maximum score, new gross CR compensation, new tee colors, QR code for invoices, improvements for the cash register program, sales articles or data maintenance, are on the agenda of our annual update 2019 The official PC CADDIE annual update is available for download since 28.04.2019.
This page contains all the relevant information about the 2019 update.

Adjustments to the association regulations

PC CADDIE improvements for competitions

Player editor: individual tee colors

Individual tee colors can be entered - as before- in the Player editor layer editor.

Improvement: you can now set which tees can be manually selected. These are also printed in the header of the start lists and the result lists.

The manual tee selection is also available for ⇒PC CADDIE Online Tournament - Module on your club website. These tees are now also individually selectable during online tournament registration.

You don't have to extra type „man.“ (for manual), it is enough to set the check-mark for the corresponding tee.
The standard tees in this example are YELLOW for men and RED for ladies.
The manual tees are marked with an „m“ in the tournament data settings, at „Hcp limit of tee“:

Player editor: colored preset tees

If you have set an individual (manual) tee directly for a player in the Player editor - via the „i“ - you will now see this at the particular tee color. These players are visually different from the players for which the default tee in the tournament data apply - visible due to the default assigned color.

Player editor: colored individual membership features

If you use colors for the member feature, you will now see them in the Player editor.

Tournament data: adjustable tees per round

Now it is also possible to enter the tees per round, WITHOUT having to enter them as a different tees in the player editor.

Scorecard elements: print length automatic and tee color

The exact TEE color can now be printed on the scorecards (standard colors only: GOLD-SILVER-BLACK-WHITE-YELLOW-BLUE-ORANGE-RED-GREEN). For this, the elements „Men's lengths, automatic“ and „Women's lengths, automatic“ must be combined with „Box“ elements.

In the „Scorecard settings“ select the items „Men's lengths, automatic“ and „Ladies lengths, automatic“. Then position a „Box“ element for each. In the „Box“ element you can choose the color „Men (automatic), intensive“ or „Ladies (automatic), intensive“. This allows you to automatically print the lengths and color for BLUE for a player playing BLUE. If the next player is playing from YELLOW, the lengths of the YELLOW tee and the color would be printed in YELLOW. „

Annual Eclectic: new scoring methods for different PAR values

A typical Eclectic scoring usually only makes sense if the evaluation is made with the same place data, with the same PAR values for all players.
However, as many variations of the tees and course data have developed over the years, it is now possible to create an eclectic evaluation with different par values for the players.
Important details about this topic are described under:: ⇒Annual Eclectic

Tees by age groups

There is the possibility of making the settings based on age groups (intended for juniors) for the GREEN tees. This option is only active in a measured GREEN tee in the course data!
In addition, we have the option to set age categories for tees in the background, for all competitions. If necessary, please contact our support.

Foreign club data

Clubs from Hungary, Bulgaria, Luxembourg and Italy are also included in your list.
⇒More information about foreign clubs

New entry fee function

The PC CADDIE Entry fee feature has been thoroughly redesigned. You can now group the entry fees and prioritize them for selection. The number of eligible entry items is now unlimited. Different entry fee articles can be set for online registration, for example in conjunction with a meal. ⇒ The complete entry fee documentation.

The new PC CADDIE Customer dashboard

  • From now on, all golf-relevant core information will be collected in a new report window
  • Differences according to point of sale (profit centers), from tournaments, restaurant, hotel, cash at vending machines, tee time bookings
  • Sales figures
  • Number of guests
  • Membership data
  • Representation also as pies and column diagrams

⇒Customer dashboard

Example: Customer dashboard for a member:

Special PC CADDIE programming and improvements

Copy personal data from a signature

With just a few inputs, you can create a new personal record in PC CADDIE using the data of an e-mail signature or a website.. Copy directly from the contact data, in the fields: title, first name, last name, street, zip code, city, country, telephone, email. ⇒More information about how to copy personal data.

Updated interfaces

These interfaces have been tuned to the latest versions:

  • to accounting systems, such as ⇒DATEV
  • to Internet telephony / telephone systems ⇒TAPI
  • to payment systems ⇒SIX, Wire card
  • for ⇒SEPA
  • to IP cameras

Improvements to services and processes

The PC CADDIE services for online bookings, multi-club installations (multiple club numbers of an association), vending machines and access systems, for catering order systems and terminal facilities, must run smoothly in the background.
Their installation, configuration and monitoring has been greatly optimized.

Cross-facilities offers more appropriate for company-wide usage

An operator for several golf courses and golf clubs with different currencies - this too is a requirement of modern structures.
PC CADDIE is prepared for this and can now manage vending and door systems for several facilities and bill them correctly.
Members can enter and use all facilities on an equal basis with their card ID.

ID - Vending machines and access systems even more customized

More individual rights, more individual prices, more „docking systems“, we can fulfill these wishes with new programming and modern MIFARE technology.
Particularly noteworthy is the new black-list and white-list function for general approvals in the offline system, or the interface for online control and payment for the tee-off system „TeeUp“.

Golf & Hotel better linked

A room or apartment over the weekend on the golf course, or book a corporate event with golf course and accommodation - these type of requests are more and more frequent.
For this purpose, PC CADDIE has extended its hotel module by: a waiting list for overbooking, an extra menu for hotel guests to directly edit or print their registration data, bookings, rooms, automatic export of personal data for registration authorities.
Interfaces for online booking directly via your own website or via a channel manager to known hotel booking portals, linking a booking with a course or event.

Price levels for room rates

All information on setting the price levels can be found in more details ⇒here.

Improved Course and event management

How fast will a match become an event: with sponsors, round meals, evening buffet, decoration, various planning and correspondence … - everything that goes with it.
To capture such projects in more details, the module now includes sub-events, better lists, and resource functions.
Even an ERP module, from offer and order to the final billing, for example, for corporate events, will be available before season 2020.

Improvements to the cash register program and the sales item management

Improvements and additions:

  • Rounding parameters for single items and totals improved
  • Full cancellation at cash register and in the account
  • Several price levels per article (regular price, happy hour, employees)
  • Color/size combinations > 99 items
  • Customer account no. on daily financial statements
  • Letter input to the table choice
  • French cash register requirements implemented for Grandtotal and monthly closing
  • Improvement to the Bagtag design

Improved usability for the gastronomy handheld devices

  • User interface with simpler article selection
  • Split function completely improved
  • Freshly integrated: collectibles, table plan, card payment and bill to the room

QR code on invoices

As part of the ISO 20022 harmonization, as of June 30, 2020, the QR bill will replace the seven different deposit slips. The payment part of the QR invoice replaces the early orange and red deposit slips. PC CADDIE is ready for this!

⇒You can read the detailed documentation here.

Slide template for terminal displays

In the upper terminal info area, in a TRONDHEIM self-service terminal (Full HD in portrait format), you have the option of displaying individual information - for example, sponsor information or your own pictures, depending on your needs. There are several pictures / text information available, which you can set for the Slider presentation - you decide yourself on the duration of the presentation.

Here is the dialog for setting up the function in PC CADDIE

Example of a TRONDHEIM terminal

A new overview for all activated timetable booking rules

The club manager displays an overview of all timetable booking rules, the status, and the timetable area they apply to. Changing the timetable booking rules will continue in your PC CADDIE.

Holiday overview in the timetable

The Club manager shows which holidays have been entered in PC CADDIE. ⇒Here you will find the complete documentation.

QR-Code for Live scoring

Guests and tournament players can be given a QR code, which they can scan on their mobile devices and follow the winners lists live (feature available since 2018). ⇒Find out more.

European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The GDPR is in force since 25 May 2018. PC CADDIE has made some necessary changes:

  • Legal adjustments for anonymization
  • Hide email addresses
  • New fields for documentation and printing of personal privacy requests

⇒The detailed documentation can be found here.

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