

Microsoft Word

This article deals with the specific information for Microsoft Office Word form letters.

General information about form letters can be found in the main article Form letters with ....

Main dialogue / Pre-settings

See main article Main dialogue.

See main article Pre-settings.

Edit/use form letter

Continuation of the main article Edit/use form letter

The PC CADDIE form letter manager will appear next to the document:

Position your cursor at a specific point and with the help of PC CADDIE you can then insert either an address fields, the date, a subject, a salutation or other fields to your form letter. The button Merge to new document will join the data and you will get a preview of your form letter. The merged field <Address1> will then use the address of the person that was entered under the 1st address in the person's mask. Of course you can change the text and format of the template in these Word documents. Click Save and close form letter to save your changes to the template.

Continuation of the main article Print form letter

Have all changes been made, you can copy the form letter into a new document using the button Merge to new document. You will then see all letters at once (that is, for the selected group of persons and the chosen order). The letter can then be printed out from this document.

;-) At this point it would be wise to print a test page of one letter to check if the document fits onto your letter paper and if the address field fits into the address window.

If you see no need to check all the letters again, you can start the print directly using the button Send mail merge to printer. In case you have only changed the template but do not want to make any other actions you can exit the template via Save and close form letter. You will get back to the selection window for form letters - now containing the form letter with the subject „Happy New Year“ which you have just created:

en/personen/serienbrief/serienbriefword.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/09/30 14:21 von emilia
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