

PC CADDIE://online roster notification

Product description

in close cooperation with Baden-Württembergische Golfverband e.V., a comfortable online solution for the league game has been developed, which facilitates the handling of events for both the association and the clubs involved in the game operation.

Using the roster notification, PC CADDIE://online roster notification in BWGV, the clubs announce their participation in the individual leagues before the start of the season, inform their eligible players in the respective rosters and also make the matchday announcements (including the monitoring of the tender regulations) directly online.

The system automatically generates the corresponding entry forms in PDF and forwards them to the organizing club, after adjusting the player preferences with the DGV intranet.

Examples on the Web

Even the summing results of the game day are entered directly by the clubs, so that the latest results are available on the Internet just minutes after the end of the game day on BWGV League results.

The display of the intermediate statuses of the respective leagues can be easily integrated into the websites of the respective club, so that the current results of their own teams can also be viewed there.

Your contact

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions: PC CADDIE://online customer service

en/online/onlinekadermeldung/onlinekadermeldung.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2018/07/11 11:21 von hr
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