

PC CADDIE://online CRM plus Single Sign On

This service, which we would like to introduce below, secures various information in a password-protected area on your website. With just one login, you log-in at the same time on the website or Golf club App - at the same time you are logged on to the PC CADDIE://online services.

Single Sign On

A login for all services on your golf course?

This is not a problem with our Single Sign On interface. If you want to purchase this as an of-the-shelf plugin, you can find more information under gkmbCADDIE members only.

Personal greeting

After successful login a personal welcome message can be set on request. This could be followed by a text, and here you can let your imagination run fee - for example:

Dear Mr. Heck, we welcome you to the members area of Golfclub Sonnenschein! Here you will find our current information…“

All fields are available via the XML interface.

Master sheet

The personal master sheet can be set up (prerequisitePC CADDIE://online APP plus Responsive Design).

Member directory

The Member Directory allows your member to easily search for other members.

  1. Enter a search term
  2. Search
  3. Import address by clicking on the V-Card symbol

Display and maintain personal data

This is about club members being able to view and change their data in an internal area.

  • The data can be changed online.
  • This saves administrative overhead and the customers are „the master of their information“. They can use show and hide to determine the visibility of the data in the members area.
  • The entry in the local PC CADDIE is displayed and adopted via the CRM\DMS.

Handicap list

The handicap list is automatically updated according to your members. Interested members can view them in the Members Only section and even differentiate between Ladies and Gentlemen. The manual posting of Handicap List could be omitted.

GKMB Birthday service

Without any extra effort, you can send your members and customers an attractive and naturally personalized birthday message designed in your company layout. The ClubWebMan® Birthday Service ensures reliable delivery on time. You will also receive a brief informational email with the persons who have received a congratulatory message immediately after the dispatch.

The one-time set-up fee for the ClubWebMan® Birthday Service includes the installation and set-up of the service. In addition, we take over the congratulatory text you have specified.

The monthly service fee includes software maintenance and the daily congratulatory service for up to 500 people per day.

For this, it is possible to fully automatically obtain the recipients from the PC CADDIE://online CRM.

Hier sehen Sie ein mögliches Beispiel für den Golfclub Thunersee.

Please feel free to contact your PC CADDIE://online customer service directly or send an email to GKMB GmbH:

Customer service

Please contact us if you are interested in our CRM: PC CADDIE://online customer service

en/online/onlinecrm/onlinecrm.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2018/06/06 15:17 von emilia
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