

Incoming goods

Via Articles/Incoming goods you can record deliveries. The following window will open:

Select the relevant article:

  • Entering the abbreviation of the article
  • Entering the name or just a part of the article's name
  • Button with list function (F2)
  • Scan in the article if labels with bar code exist

If you want to create a new article use the list function (F2) and the button New (also see chapter new, change, delete).

After selecting the article, click Continue and you will get the window „Article delivery“:

The supplier will be used according to the information provided in the article mask. After entering the amount of incoming goods and the purchase price, you will have the following selection options:

  • New price - the new purchase price will be defined as effective purchase price
  • Average - the average of both purchase prices will be calculated and defined as effective purchase price
  • Calculated - the calculation entered in the article mask will be used.

:!: Talk to your accounting, to know which selection should be made.

All further details concern the delivery note or conditions of delivery. If you do not wish to print a label, remove the check mark.

en/kasse/kasse/gastronomie/eingang/eingang.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2021/08/25 17:36 von msp
  • Keine Schlagworte vergeben
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