

Change password

You have multiple options for changing the password: click the Windows key + A, or go the menu Exit/Login with another password, or click on the lock icon on the image bar:

In the dialog that opens you will see that you can directly access the password management by right-clicking on the small lock - read more here: Password management.

This opens the familiar window where you can register a new user.

:!: If you have not set up a password management, you can set/activate it as described here: Password management.

French button

The following window opens each time you start the French PC CADDIE version:

No matter where you are in the software, pressing this button will take a screenshot and at the same time the window will open to send a direct email to PC CADDIE's translation team.

  1. Enter your suggestions for improvement.
  2. Tell us the contact person, so that we can contact you if you have any questions.
  3. Add the screenshot, optionally supplemented with markings, as attachment.

Thus, you help us to improve the French version. Thank you very much!

en/ende/passwortwechseln/passwortwechseln.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/07/30 14:39 von emilia
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