

Tournament - Player names

Here you can see how the players are displayed in tournament lists. This function can be found under Setup/Program Options/Setup Tournament List:

  1. Use Type for selecting the format in which the name should be displayed: „Standard“, „Without title“ or in a „Special Format“.
  2. Select one of the following options under Club name for members:

    „Print home-club for members too“ → The club name is printed in the start and the result lists. Otherwise the field would remain empty.
    „Members always to be identified with“ → If your club name is very long, for example, “Golf club on the Sonnenburger mountain, in the highlands”, you can use an appropriate abbreviation for printing, like: “GC Sonnenburger mountain”. Enter this name in the field Special club name.
    „Home members always to be identified with: “ → Here the special name is only printed for the home club members; for the other members, the club where the hcp record is maintained will be entered.
  3. If you had selected „Special Format” under Type, you can fill out separately the Name and the Club.

List of results with individual group membership

You cannot create an individual layout for the results list of a tournament, but you can create, for example, an individual field for printing the group membership of the players (for example, “Company sports group”) instead of the home club, when printing the results list. The purpose is to also print these sport groups when printing the results list.

This can be done as follows: The company sports group should be placed in the company/hotel field at the respective players (person record - 2nd address).

Then you can design the printout of the result lists and start lists here: Setup/Program Options/Options/Competitions/Details

Change the Type field to “Special Format”. Remove the field <CLUB> and enter <COMPANY> instead.

The information stored in the company / hotel field of the tournament participant is printed on the results list. Remember to change this setting after the tournament, so that the Club can be printed again in the next tournaments.

;-) Here you can use other fields, for example <LOCATION>, in a similar way.

en/einstellungen/programmeinstellungen/turnierspielernamen.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/07/29 13:32 von emilia
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