

General settings

You can reach the PC CADDIE's general settings window under Setup/Program Options/Options.

Find below more details about each tab:


The tab General allows you to make the PC CADDIE settings for the change of the year. The default value is „31“ days. Accordingly PC CADDIE recognizes the new members 31 days in advance. Similarly, the withdrawals are considered 31 days before the actual resignation date, and no longer considered for card orders, accounting, etc.

Consider the following illustrative example: You want to prepare all the invoices for the new year on the 4th of December: December 4 + 31 days ⇒ January 4.

PC CADDIE already recognizes on the 4th of December the new members with a starting date up to the 4th of January, and includes them into the „All Members“ group. In addition, all withdrawals with a resignation date up to the 3rd of January of the following year are no longer included in the „All Members“ group.

:!: For example, for a financial reporting in December it is usually sufficient to choose the preset PC CADDIE filter „All Members“. If the turn of the year is not set to „31 days“, or if you would like to create invoices in November, you have to define a separate group of people, appropriately setting the members' entry/exit date to a later date. Please consult the Persons group for more details.

Before you start the contribution assignment for the following year in December the current year, you should consider the following: in the previous example, the turn of the year is set to 31 days, with the date 4th of December. You have to consider articles that are associated with the members' age (which is usually the case for young people)? in this situation you should start the Adjusting age groups before allocating the items.

The function that new member numbers are allocated to the new members is activated by default.

Define direct debit

:!: This feature is not enabled for Switzerland.

Here you can set the account ranges for which there is a collection by direct debit or a debit order. After you set the options here, you can select them in the person's mask by pressing the payment tab:

Define bank holidays

:!: All the official holidays are already preset. Changes should be made only after consultation with the PCC Support team.

Hint: Print out the list with the next year holidays; this way you can already consider them during your planning. The list is available in the window Public holidays, under Print.

Setup format of telephone numbers

The button Setup format of telephone numbers allows you to homogeneous format all the telephone numbers. You simply select the desired numbers' representation and PCC automatically saves all telephone numbers corresponding to your selection.

Clicking the button Setup format of telephone numbers opens the following windows:

Here you can choose in which format PC CADDIE should save your numbers.

If the option Activate check up and option standard is checked, the phone numbers are automatically changed into the appropriate format as soon as you enter them.

The field Example shows how PC CADDIE automatically formats the inputted number (0241-4774956) into the desired format (+49-241/4774956).

:!: It is convenient to separate the telephone extension numbers with dashes; in this case, if you want to add a fax number you only have to type-in the extension, and PC CADDIE will fill-in the rest.

Load geodatas for all persons

A prerequisite to printing a list of people with the corresponding distances to the golf club is that you download the spatial data to PCC. Please select the option Load geodatas for all persons, which gives you the possibility to download the spacial data for all the persons as well as for all the golf clubs to PC CADDIE.

:!: Note that this function may take a long time to complete, depending on the number of personal data and Golf Club data contained in PC CADDIE.

More information about geodatas can be found under Distance data.


You can make the basic tournament settings under the tab Competitions.

Academic title

You can set here whether the academic title will be printed on the Start and results lists.


Details gives you again the possibility to adjust the representation of the club's name:

Clinking on Details opens the following window:

The field Type allows you again to change the option whether the academic titles should be printed on your start and result lists. You can also choose to use a special format.

You can customize the club name with your members using the field Club name for members. You have three representation options, which is particularly useful the case of long club names in order to obtain a visually appealing list:

The following is an explanation of the various display options

The representation in a starting list is cut off by the high number of characters for a long club name:

The subsequent options allow you to choose the proper representation:

Choose Members always to be identified with: for the field Club name for members and input a „Special club name“. In our example we replaced Golf Club with GC. Thus, the club name will be displayed correctly next to the person's name.

You also have the option to print the club name only for the club members, so that secondary members appear with their HCP leading club in the lists. Choose With homeclub members just this name: for the field Club name for members.

You can use the appropriate fields for extra formats for lists and names in the lower part of the window (Only 'extra format')

:!: Please contact the support team for special settings.

Course info

You can choose whether the selected location data should appear on your listusing the field Course info:

See below a print-out with the selection Show course information:

Winter rules

You can set the dates for the winter season using the Winter rules: field.

:!: You should not change the remaining two fields. Please consult the support team if you need changes to the Handicap factor for stableford or Compute difference.


The tab Turnover contains the following settings:

Currency abbreviation

You can enter here the abbreviation for the national currency used. Use € for Germany and SF for Switzerland.

V.A.T. rate

You can enter the standard tax rate here.

:!: Further important information can be found at Value added tax changeover.

Show gross/net preferred (accounts)

Here you decide which sales type will be printed in lists: gross sales or net revenues.

Reminder periods

Here you can set the limits for your reminders. However, this is possible as well in the Reminders' management. Additional information on reminders can be found here: Reminders.

:!: You should make changes only after consultation with the support team.

Chip card

These settings are for customers with a PC CADDIE card system. Changes should be made exclusively by the support team.

More information about the PC CADDIE card system can be found here: Online card system and Offline card system.

en/einstellungen/programmeinstellungen/allgemeineeinstellungen.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/07/15 10:56 von emilia
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