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Repeat last printout

You have the option to easily repeat the last printout.

Click on Setup/Repeat last printout from the main menu, or on the corresponding icon:

FIXME screenshot

The following window opens:

FIXME screenshot

  1. Select the number of copies that you want to print.
  2. Click on Printer Setup, if you want to change the layout.
  3. Click on Print to start the printing process and confirm with Yes:

FIXME screenshot

:!: Please note that you can only repeat actual printing, i.e., printing jobs that have been sent to the printer. repeating print previews is not possible.

en/einstellungen/letztenausdruckwiederholen/letztenausdruckwiederholen.1493532350.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2017/04/30 08:05 von
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