

Base for the self-service terminals

Outdoor and indoor terminals can either be installed on an existing foundation or on a newly created one. This is the responsibility of the client, who has to carry out the installation in accordance with the technical and static specifications of the supplier commissioned by PC CADDIE.

(New-) base with a floor mounting plate

When creating a new foundation (usually for outdoor terminals), the supplier commissioned by PC CADDIE sends a „floor mounting plate“, which the customer must install in accordance with the installation instructions.

Delivery of the base plate in a packed box

Floor mounting plate before potting in the foundation

Sketches for attaching to the floor mounting plate

Preparation of the wiring

Screw connection on existing foundation / structural requirements

If a pre-existing foundation is to be used, its structural requirements must be guaranteed on the part of the customer, in order to absorb wind and external forces.

The instructions are also available as PDF (only in German): montage_platte_fuer_bodenmontage.pdf

en/einstellungen/kundenterminal/fundamentterminal.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/07/14 13:17 von emilia
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