


The PC CADDIE terminal allows your customers to charge their value cards or badges even outside regular opening hours. Please note the requirements for this function:

  • Existing Online Card system from PC CADDIE
  • Read or write capability for charging at the terminal
  • Payment option using the card (debit and credit cards such as Maestro, Girocard, VISA, Mastercard, etc…)
  • Existing possibility of printing the documents (usually available together with the terminal)

Charges made at the terminal are posted directly to the respective customer account and become available at the end of the day.

:!: Please contact the PC CADDIE Support for the installation of the required modules.

en/einstellungen/kundenterminal/aufladung/aufladung.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2017/10/20 12:00 von emilia
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