

Remote triggering of the automats in the online system

Remote control of the automats

Each PCCADDIE online automat can be so configured that its remote control through the server using the card service can also trigger the activation/deactivation of other automats. This feature is useful for multi-step access conditions.

Some illustrative practical examples:

  1. The alarm system should be activated by authorized personnel when leaving the building.
  2. Entering the administration building between certain hours is restricted by the use of a PCCaddie Mifare reader. Only authorized persons can enter the building, in which case the alarm should be deactivated.
  3. Part of your entrance area accessible to your members is not connected to the alarm system - for example, where the bathrooms are located. Immediately next to it there is an access area with increased security. Using the automats' remote control it is possible to trigger the opening of the security door and the deactivation of the alarm while opening the main door with an individualized Mifare access card.

This configuration is very extensive and complex, and requires a corresponding hardware device; please contact our support team if you want to set up such a system.

en/einstellungen/kartensystem/remoteausloesung_von_automaten.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2018/12/04 14:58 von emilia
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