

List of clubs

You can print the list of clubs under Setup/Clubs+Courses/Print…/Club List.

Selection by groups

Of particular interest here are individual selection possibilities based on groups; for example, if you want to print a list containing only the clubs with which you have a green fee agreement. First, you have to prepare the club data. Select the desired group under Setup/ Clubs+Courses/ … new, edit, delete and press Edit.

Now enter an abbreviation in the field of your choice for each club with which you have a green fee agreement (the abbreviation should be the same each of these clubs). Now enter the same abbreviation (for example “GV”) in the Group field when printing the club list.

You will obtain the following list:

Selection based on country

Enter the country code in the Golf association field.


All clubs that have registered the corresponding country code with the club number are listed:

en/einstellungen/clubsundplaetze/drucken/clubliste.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/06/16 13:03 von emilia
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