

PC CADDIE://online course & event management

Local administration

Here you will find instructions for local administration for the course & event management.

Online view for booking

The view can be processed differently. Please consider in advance of the associated structure, how you would like to offer your course program.

Event calendar

  • The interested parties see the course offer in a broader overview.
  • They can use the categories to filter the courses they are interested in.
  • Using the monthly selection, one can quickly and easily see in which month each event is located.
  • The game is visualized via the screen.

Week view

An additional view by week allows the interested parties to gain a quick overview.

Examples from practice

Questions? Issue? Wishes?

If you have any questions or requests, please feel free to contact your PC CADDIE://online customer service.

en/online/kurseventmanagement/kurseventmanagement.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2021/08/26 15:06 von msp
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