enter new, change, delete
There is a central input function in PC CADDIE for entering, viewing o... persons.
In the menu, select Persons/…enter new, delete change or click on the first button in the co... rch window you can search for anything your heart desires. To select people very quickly, search for: ... ey on the keyboard
click on „…enter new, change, delete“.
Release the key
select/open second person
Catering cash register: create, edit, delete
To work in the catering cash register, you must first se... /account area menu, select the appropriate area.
Default settings
Before you enter the articles, plea... VAT, you can change this individually in the item definition. PC CADDIE remembers this percentage... Sales/contribution types/articles/…create, edit, delete.
The following window shows you the item ove
hen the tournament for which the prizes are to be defined in order to access the prize evaluation func... indow opens in which you can prepare the prices.
Depending on which gross prices you set here, the se... th 3 net classes in each class almost 20 players (depending on handicaps) are taken into account. Then... 14.4 and this will also influence the group size (depending on the HCP of the participants).
If the g
and the start list. The setting for Layout - This determines which information is printed in the resul... changed due to adjustments in CR equalisation, as described above!
Results list with provisional HCP... remaining time.
As soon as the DGV Intranet has delivered the provisional HCPI, you can print:
Prov... can be used together with the 18-hole results to determine the handicap for the association.
nly). Then please switch to dispatch by service.
Default mail programme remains set
You ... .
(3) Rename
Renames the selected template.
(4) Delete
Deletes the selected template.
:!: A deleted template cannot be restored!
Edit template
superscript</sup>, too.
You can mark something as deleted as well.
You can mark something as <del>deleted</del> as well.
Paragraphs are created from blank lines. If you want to force a newline without a
unts from 5 Euro upwards will be charged.
Direct debit authorisation
Some people want to differentiate between people with direct debit authorisation and people without direct debit authorisation when printing invoices, e.g. if only invoices without direct debit authorisation are sent by post.
Summarise fam
er's scoring record or handicap history sheet, as determined by the captain.
Please read the „Handic... d from 2021, licensed for the DGV“.
To apply for deposit by the DGV, simply send a short email to handicap@dgv.golf.de to be contacted by the club (captain).
Th... ndicap distribution.
A score of +, 0 or - is then determined for each hole. At the end, the pluses and
o use the person mask under Persons/Create, edit, delete… to call up the sales account of the desired person directly.
Further functions
List of person... ned.
The data record of the selected person with detailed information is opened.
Jump one person to ... t or VAT.
Cancellation of an existing invoice or deletion of articles (articles highlighted in yellow
Flat rate evaluation
:!: If you decide to work with consumption flat rates in the future, please cont... you to close your accounts by allowing previously defined lump sums to expire directly and/or credit t... of the persons.
As soon as the account shows a „debt“ (consumption allowance included), an invoice i... xt invoice run. Under Turnover/Print/Invoices you define the minimum balance to be taken into account
in four-hole matches). The result is usually only determined by who won or lost a hole, or whether the... yer, as this is fairer. This variant has been the default in PC CADDIE ever since.
Until 2015, ... ifficult hole. If you want this old distribution, deactivate the new default setting: for distribution to the difference holes.
Net hole play single
. As these should be meaningful on a quotation, a description description must be stored.
Here is an example of the article
As the offers for events ar... item.
Each individual menu item is linked to the description here.
Document type
Pro... - Create new document
Edit - Edit the document
Delete - Delete the document
Sum - Sum of
Reception desk
The PCCADDIE cash register knows your customers
The clear difference to other cash re... e printed for the customer in summarised form and
debited by direct debit if desired. The interfaces for booking tee times or green
green fee bookings are optimal. Particul
le attributes and authorisations (read, write and delete rights).
The ADS server prevents data corrup... kstations. Working with PC CADDIE via remote desktop connection is not possible with the ADS Loca... the SMB2 protocol (Server Message Block) must be deactivated or repaired, as it has been proven to da... 3 server, either the „Data Execution Prevention“ (DEP) in Windows should be deactivated or you should
Catering cash desk
Operation for guests by name
The customer and family-related catering cash regis... sh register systems. Even meal allowances, credit deposits and open items are easily accounted for and... nd them to the customer or collect them by direct debit. The restaurateur is delighted.
Fully integrated cash register programme with u