tivate the fields highlighted in grey in locked mode and edit them.
Delete selected customer (only w... nation of the buttons located on the right-hand side of the input window. These buttons are similar an... cking, the fields highlighted in grey in locked mode become active and can be edited. The button changes to Save and saves the changes made. PC CADDIE saves automatically and you do no
rizontal line:
Media Files
You can include external and internal images, videos and audio fi... 0x50}}
Resized external image: {{http://de3.php.net/images/php.gif?200x50}}
By using left or... e for %%//__this__ text// with a smiley ;-)%%.
Code Blocks
You can include code blocks into your documents by either indenting them by at least two space
habetical“, but it could also be sorted by „postcode“ or similar.
;-) With alphabetical order you hav... ools:
Add the desired fields (date, bank, sort code…).
The commands commands are very important for ... ils. For example: <ABSENDER: Golfclub Schwarze Heide e.V. - Bottrop> ...
Here you enter individual identifiers that provide you with information, for example, on a label pri... nt method in the daily closing in the catering trade.
The product group to which the article is ... click on the button New group
Enter the short code for your product group (maximum 8 characters).
E... y, instead of colours, you create, for example, side dishes, additives (with and without ice cubes) or
Flat rate evaluation
:!: If you decide to work with consumption flat rates in the future, please cont... the account area to which the transfer is to be made (normally OP,OPGASTRO or RECEIPT).
:!: The same a... ght.
Select the time period to be analysed.
Decide how you would like the data to be analysed.
This... fers
Transfers within the family are shown
Include family transfers
Family rebookings that were mad
en entered in the tournament, the helper will divide the handicaps „mathematically“.
If you tick the... chapman foursomes).
The helper cannot always divide by common course handicap, even if the tick „Pric... lay 5 is the default setting for gross if you divide the prizes with the helper).
In the new „Group of... tions!
For example, if you no longer want to include the prize for seniors in the 3rd round of a multi
t change the date to which the posting is to be made if necessary) and then confirm again with Assign.... y in the accounts are invoiced. Here you can exclude items that are in the accounts in preparation for... t will be posted to the account.
Once you have made your settings, please click on Book. The followin... in the next point.
TIP: If you would like to provide proof of the invoice numbers generated, please pr
so be useful in smaller networks. Advantages include faster access. The server-based transaction proce... matically with PC CADDIE.
In local server mode, please note that with Windows Vista/7, Windows S... ly. The licence key (serial) and the validation code must be available for this. You will receive this... :
Enter the serial number and the validation code here:
Select Automatic Startup if you want to s
__________________________________________ (postcode city)
___________________________________________... golf software. The User shall receive an access code from the Operator after signing this Agreement,
w... ecipients' mobile phones. The Operator shall provide detailed dispatch information by e-mail after eac... cess to the system, which the Operator shall provide to the User.
and access to the system, which the
2018, the gross column has been expanded to include the additional information of the gross points ac... ion 2022a
Tournament completion must have been made and transmitted to the DGV
if ASP 103 appears in... ect „Prize categories“, the subdivision is also made according to the prize definition, but the winner... ses, you should always bear in mind that you exclude a player with a +1 handicap (better than 0) if yo
must be clarified by the club with the DGV.
Outside the specified season (October to April), tourname... V, simply send a short email to handicap@dgv.golf.de to be contacted by the club (captain).
Th... w children to start from GREEN in a foursome outside on the course.
CR equalisation
You can find all ... e shot (e.g. both „out“, lost or played from outside the tee), the right of choice is limited to the c
uch more.
A document from the ERP is made up of several modules.
Cover letter (first page... e
This is where the decision is made as to whether it will be a document, template or
Guest access or credit also available via PIN code = Savings on guest cards
Credit system: chargeab... r external doors: The door is switched on the inside in the security area so that the door cannot be o