ices here: Create invoices
Test mail and invoice layout
If you select Basic settings tick the box next to... ce with Edit what is still missing in the invoice layout:
This command is really important. A so-called ... atter where the command is located in the invoice layout, the main thing is that it is included!
The com... e cybercrime.
If everything fits, please save the layout with a suitable name, e.g. Invoice by e-mail
n the timetable. It is important that the correct layout is used:
Please select the following fields in the layout:
<Name, Vorname >
You can now enter the fi
te range
Basic settings (mostly suitable)
Check layout
Print advance document
Print normal receipt
Cr... we can set up a different default setting.
Edit layout
A suitable layout is usually already stored here.
If you would like to change the layout, you can use the following tools:
Add the desire
te article list with various options:
Different layouts of the lists
order Define order
Selection of s... ferent key date
In the following, the different layouts are described below.
Complete article list
ven if you do not see this in the „Standard list“ layout (which instead displays the newly achieved handic... ults list from Standard list to Gross list in the layout:
You receive a gross list. The gross points refe... not above PAR)!
Net list
You can also switch the layout to „Net list“ in the same way. If you have alread... ll also see the net results with the „Gross list“ layout for your net prices.
The net result includes the
Nennungsliste and the start list. The setting for Layout - This determines which information is printed in... buttons (1). It is then best to rename the print layout (2).
For each button (1), a colour must be assi
different invoice address or a different invoice layout!
The desired invoice can now be selected
and cl... e with a different address or a corrected invoice layout, tick the checkbox
Create new duplicate.