se pay particular attention to the information on 2-person scramble and scramble (the formula for scr... (see rule 7.1b of the handicap rules, valid from 2021, licensed for the DGV)
Click here for the DGV Service Portal and information on the WHS:
HCP R... in.
Please read the „Handicap rules, valid from 2021, licensed for the DGV“.
To apply for deposit
equalisation points has already clearly won with 26 points. However, you can see from the other play... ion only, if you print older tournament lists: In 2017 and 2018, the gross column has been expanded to include the additional information of the gross p... winner has played 40 gross points, but receives 42 gross points due to the CR equalisation!
From 20
s so that with 3 net classes in each class almost 20 players (depending on handicaps) are taken into ... o the first line (1) and click on Edit price (F7)(2).
In the following query, the basic price type is... ladies
3 net for HCP 0-18.0
3 net for HCP 18.1-28.0
3 net for HCP 28.1 to 54
First confirm the selection „Automatic price“ with Next. You will the
ament with the part of the name is found, e.g. in 2006, you would then have to call up „Search“ and c... ly, for example „10007“ for the 7th tournament in 2010.
In many clubs, the automatic number assignme... ies' golf tournament in the 17th calendar week in 2010. This can speed up the selection of a specific... green by setting the year:
Your juniors born in 2010 or later will then automatically be counted fr
person (e.g. Tester or Tina)
3 letters surname, 2 letters first name (e.g. Tes,Ti)
PC CADDIE ... n the „Betting Game“ button
1. adjust date range
2. tournament selection
When the booking is entered... in the priorities.
Here on the screenshot is the 201 is a team number, player has registered individ... ed. For example, if you start from tees 1 and 10, 2 tees will be occupied - you must therefore enter
ve the following tees in play:
Men YELLOW: CR 72.9
Ladies RED: CR 75.6
The difference between 72.9 and 75.6 is 2.7 - mathematically rounded this is 3
As the value 75.6 is higher (and therefore cat... ss score list.
Whether a lady receives 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 points is decided on the basis of the indivi
ttention to the settings that are determined over 2 rounds. These evaluations can only be used in the... the „helper“, namely the selection „Pro-AM: Pro + 2 best amateur balls“.
For players B, C, D, the se... nts
If, due to the announcement, an evaluation in 2 separate tournaments is necessary, and in additio... his is especially nice for Pro-Am scores such as „2 best balls in flight“, etc. To do this, simply se
According to the DGV recommendation since 2016, handicap strokes are better to be given on th... the default in PC CADDIE ever since.
Until 2015, in PC CADDIE the difference in the playi... players who are to play against each other into a 2-player match.
After the handicap adjustment, whi... on the scorecard start with handicap 18, then 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Entering results
You have several opt