Score cards
Clicking Print directly on the Competition window on the right side, or under
Competitions/Print…/Score cards allows you to print arbitrarily designed sc... ards:
Intranet-Course checking when printing the score cards
Only in Germany and Switzerland: when the s... CADDIE
HINT: We recommend to leave the tournament score cards completely blank on the inside, for golf co
lter) than in the basic tournament settings, the score of these players will be calculated at these tees... ons are such that you can configure here that the score of a player who fits into this prize range will b... ach player for the entire game (and also only one score can be uploaded on the Internet.) So it is not po... ons are such that you can configure here that the score of a player who fits into this prize range will b
nformation will be printed: gross and net overall score, as well as the net difference or the rated net S... p;CADDIE then compares (for players with the same score) the results for the first 9 holes; PC CADDI... sults are ordered as presented below, even if the score is the same:
With date of birth
A column with th... 9,6,3,1
The 3rd round is used to determine the score - result list for round 3 with playoff details: