to 3 points (CR compensation) added to the gross score list.
Whether a lady receives 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 p... input. What did the ladies with the higher gross scores on the results list achieve on the three most di... close look here).
Hole 5: :!: She played a 7 and scored 0 points. If you imagine she would have needed 1... ith par 74 with 74 strokes. This results in a +/- score of 0 on the list.
However, if someone has achie
rizes to be awarded at the tournament. The player scores are then analysed according to this information.... basic tournament settings, these players will be scored completely with this tee. The scorecards are then already printed with this tee. It is then not necessa... is decisive. And this has an effect on the gross score in all forms of play.
This compensation is given
more about this below: Distribution of strokes on scorecard.
Start list
Create a start list as usual by ... receives the difference between the handicaps).
Scorecard - Distribution of strokes on the hardest holes
The standard distribution on the scorecard used to look like this: The weaker player rec... most difficult holes, starting with handicap 1:
Scorecard - distribution of the difference holes
. HCP factor 90%, or also 100% handicap.
Penalty score: fictitious result, is entered for the player who... this directly at ⇒Tournament conclusion
Penalty Score
A penalty score is added to a player's scoring record or handicap history sheet, as determined by the ca... PC CADDIE always calculates the rated gross score (GBE) on the basis of the full course handicap (m
s the net difference or the net Stableford points scored as soon as the competition has been completed (h... BE 123 for the above player (AGS - Adjusted Gross Score; GBE - Weighted Gross Score) Bruttoergebnis):
Addition of the gross strokes of the holes played, hole 6... : If you're not sure why one or other of the tied scores is the winner, use the results list with
the det
to Stableford.
For the annual prizes, the actual scores from the tournament per round will be evaluated,... oints) for Stableford tournaments:
An under-par score of 37 Stableford points becomes a -1. An over-par score of 8 (28 gross points) becomes a +8. Added together, this gives a final score of 7 annual prize points.
The winner is therefor
Each player plays his own ball, only the best scores per hole are counted,
The best score on the first hole, the two best scores on the second hole and the three best scores on the third hole are counted. Then it starts all over aga
d as follows:
Enter results from fully completed scorecards as usual.
Enter results from partially completed scorecards as far as available. Simply leave the remain... s an abandonment if players actually have missing scores.. Remember: strokes are also results!
Players w... 9 hole tournaments only complete results will be scored, 9 holes must have been played.
Players who h
1st round is not disadvantaged in terms of total score calculation compared to a player who improves his... s of up to 19 strokes per hole are possible. If a score higher than 19 was achieved on a hole in a counti... ated in the men's ranking). (Round 1 will only be scored in the men's competition): Attention - read the ... 2 and 3 into a new tournament to get the senior's score and to publish it on the internet: Copy Basic Tou
ournaments. In a second step, the live display of scores is also possible via eScoring.
How does eScorin... automatically generated for the customer when the score cards are printed and printed on the score card. This code is the „virtual identification“ of the player... per mobile device - so that you can theoretically score an entire flight with one mobile device. After en
nly names , In the People menu only the access to scorecards (print) and e-mail is given. In the person m... nder Clubs+Places the access is only for printing scorecards, import club addresses and exchange clubs in
bsp;CADDIE annual update.
Topics such as maximum score, new gross CR compensation, new tee colors, QR co... r them as a different tees in the player editor.
Scorecard elements: print length automatic and tee color
The exact TEE color can now be printed on the scorecards (standard colors only: GOLD-SILVER-BLACK-WHI... c“ must be combined with „Box“ elements.
In the „Scorecard settings“ select the items „Men's lengths, au
o the „correct“ start list print function and the scorecard function.
:!: Please note that the input must be saved before printing start lists and score cards.
F9, Select block
Shift + F9, Mark block