
Export accounting data

The PC CADDIE module Bookkeeping export simplifies your accounting work. Data can be integrated into the respective accounting program with just a few clicks. There are some initial one-time preparatory steps, in which you have to fill-in the necessary settings. You have to do the following.

Please discuss these two points with your accounting:

Possible formats

PC CADDIE can output the data in the following formats:

Please feel free to contact us for questions regarding SAP Export as well.

Please note | From 2018, the mailing format and the previous accounting format (ASCII) can no longer be processed in the DATEV accounting programs. The mailing format is EV and ED files or DV and DE files. (Not affected are the current ASCII formats under DATEV pro).
Please switch to the new data formats as soon as possible.


Choose the format „ASCII with tabs“ for the Lexware export (this is a „text file“), with the import path „ASCII/Text“. „ANSI with tabs“ is also possible.

DATEV 5.0.


The accounting export for the DATEV format 5.0. is done via a csv file.
If you already work with DATEV and your DATEV program has the appropriate update, you just need to change the format of the output and you can export as usual.

Codification identifier

As soon as you start the export, you can decide in the following window if you want to immediately commit the codification to your accounting (it will be exported as codification identifier 1) or if you want to export without immediate commit (it will be exported as codification identifier 0). If in doubt, ask your accounting!

Account holder

When transferring debtors, the name of the account holder is also transferred, if this is different from the name of the customer himself.

Use entry field 2

It is possible to fill in the entry field 2 with the due date, if the bookings are additionally issued on the invoice date. This requires special settings, so please contact the PC CADDIE support if you need this feature.
This special setting can also be used for the invoice date in the cash register!

Cashbook: direct booking against accounts

There is am additional possibility under Special settings (only for DATEV 5.0. format)
The check-mark Cashbook: direct booking against accounts ensures that cashbook documents are always exported individually (even if you have also checked „Summarize sales postings per debtor and per object account“.
The cashbook documents are posted directly from the FA as bar payments (without going through the collection).
The function has priority over „Summarize sales postings per debtor and per object account for the period“, which is very convenient if you want to export the cashbook entries individually.


Note the new function for Checklists!

Customer numbers

In many cases, PC CADDIE can use a formula to generate distinct customer numbers from the membership numbers. The formula is set up by the PC CADDIE support team for you. This means less follow-up maintenance costs for the customer numbers. Additional customer numbers are needed if there are open items for non-members, for example, for the cash accounts area.
You can export the debtors with addresses to the accounting program.

If the accounting wants to use a separate number range, these numbers can be entered in an additional information field. But keep in mind that doing this involves further maintenance efforts, for example if you have to assign a new number for a new member.

If this field is not available to you, you can set the description field according to these instructions: Persons additional info fields.

FA account numbers

It is also possible to enter the FA account numbers for article groups. You can enter them under Accounts - Fees - Edit and change group of articles

In order to ensure that the corresponding revenue items are posted to the correct FA account number, these numbers have to be associated with the articles. Provide the correct FA number in the payment method field if you want to also export the payments. The payment methods can be found in the products list. In entry accounts areas such CLUB or GMBH you will find the field for the FA-number as shown in the following screenshot:

In areas such as Sales or CASH REGISTER you will find the corresponding field as shown in the following screenshot:

Cost units/customer duties

Cost units and customer duties can also be recorded in the FA account number field.

Create the export file

The actual accounting export can be started after all preparations have been completed. The export is performed separately for each account area (for example, CLUB, SALES, GASTRO). You can start the process under Accounts/Bookkeeping-Export.

The following window opens:

Clicking on More special options brings you to the second page of the special settings; the following window opens:

Clicking the Export button trigers the export to the desired location.

:!: Fill-in the following window with your accountant's data:

The files (for DATEV there are 3 files) are then available in your accounting program.

Open/control of DATEV file

Checklists for DATEV 5.0

You can print the checklists after exporting in DATEV 5.0 format:

Select the file for the issued debtors according to your selected export path.

… and print:

Select again the button Check and then print the file of the issued bookings:

View the Datev file (new KNE)

You can view the Datev files (new KNE) with a self-audit program. You need to install a macro for this. Input „datevtool“ (without quotation marks) under Setup/Macros and confirm with OK or F12.

The self-audit program starts; click on „File/New audit“ to examine the appropriate file.

Select the path as specified by the booking export:

Select one of the files and press the Select button. PC CADDIE exported two or three files: the first file contains the master data of the accountant, the second file is the debtor (this file is always there if there are new debtors), the 3rd file contains all bookings.

Select the display option „Table“, as in this example, to see the bookings. The sales can be expressed in cents, for example, the offsetting account is the FA number, you can also see the date and other details. Scrolling to the right allows you to read the article text.

Sales statistics for the bookings which were not exported

Another option to control if all bookings are exported is available under Accounts/Print…/Statistic, under the Filter tab. You can select here both exported and not exported bookings. More information available at: Checklist for the DATEV Export.


Missing entries in the file

Check if the FA numbers are entered for all the articles; you may need to use the statistics in order to find the articles (not exported entries). Re-export the missing entries after all the FA numbers are correct.

Empty file

If the file is empty and you have entered all the FA numbers it may be the case that the booking period is incorrect. It might help to check the „Repeat output of noted postings“ box. Keep in mind that this means that all bookings within the specified accounting period are exported again in this case.

FA numbers