====== Timetable info ====== The module **//Timetable info//** allows the golfers registered with a club to print a bag-tags or reserve a tee time outside normal opening hours. :!: Please note that you must first set up a Timetable View [[en:timetable:timetableansichendefinieren:timetableansichendefinieren]] in order to use this function on the terminal. {{:de:kundenterminal:timetableinfo:teetimeuebersicht.png|}} {{ :de:kundenterminal:timetableinfo:teetimemenue.png|}} **//New reservation//** The player chooses the desired time in the Timetable and pulls his card through. The tee time is posted immediately if there is no Timetable rule [[de:timetable:timetableregelnfestlegen:timetableregelnfestlegen]] that prevents or restricts a booking. **//Confirm//** The player can confirm his tee time using this function. That is, he confirms his presence.\\ :!: For this process, a corresponding timetable rule [[de:timetable:timetableregelnfestlegen:timetableregelnfestlegen]] is required, which directly posts a green fee item to the respective group of persons. \\ :!: __No__ bag tag is printed when confirming a tee time. **//Own times//** This menu item allows the players to get an overview of their own start times. {{:de:kundenterminal:timetableinfo:teetimeseigene.png?500|}} **//Cancel//** The players can cancel their tee times directly at the terminal within the predefined cancellation periods. {{:de:kundenterminal:timetableinfo:teetimestorno.png?500|}}