====== Check for double entries ====== Let Pcc check for double entries of persons in your database. Go to **//Persons/Double-Check//** and start the process with **//OK://** {{:en:personen:dublettenpruefung:dublettenpruefung.png|}} If Pcc finds a duplicated entry in your database, the next window opens: {{:en:personen:dublettenpruefung:doppelte_person.png|}} You will now have to select the entry which you would like to keep or edit. :!: Careful in case you have double entries among your members. You should keep both and find out if all the data, especially the status, is correct. If you have correct duplicates, i.e. persons with the same first and last name, in your system, you can exclude them from the duplicate check. In the test run, go to //Edit 2nd person// and add the additional info //dupignore//. Then this duplicate will not be reported at the upcoming check. HINT: Editing a person means you will get redirected to the person's mask. You can always stop the checking, and Pcc will remember where you stopped for the following two days. Otherwise, you can always re-start by entering the search abbreviation from where you want to continue searching. :!: The numbers and letters on the field //**Attributes**// from the **//Duplicate persons//** window... {{:en:personen:dublettenpruefung:dublettenpruefung1.png|}} ...show you what status is saved to for each person: {{:en:personen:dublettenpruefung:dublettenpruefung3.png|}} :!: Your database will thank you.